W H A T  W E  D O
M A S T E R  P L A N N I N G

Preparation of a design proposal that considers all landscape components and elements, assessing land-use capability and functionality whether it be for a large urban development or rural site. We will reach a well resolved proposal that is best suited to the project, site and site context. This can be a collaborative process and usually involves working with other disciplines to ensure a well integrated and cohesive outcome.

L A N D S C A P E  D E S I G N

Residential garden or commercial development? We do it all, and over a range of scales. We will meet with you on site, hear out your thoughts and visions for the project and site, and discuss potential ideas and site considerations. We will work closely with you through out the process to develop a concept that is cost effective, sustainable and meets all your needs and requirements.
C O N T R A C T  D O C U M E N T A T I O N

The preparation of required set outs, construction details, planting plans and specifications are an essential phase in order to bring any project to life. Whether the project is going out to tender or you have contractors ready to go, we have the skill set and product info to provide these services.

Depending on your needs we can also administer the project ensuring thorough completion and quality of work.
L A N D S C A P E  &  V I S U A L  A S S E S S M E N T

We can provide landscape evidence that ensures landscape work meets the statutory requirements of the Resource Management Act. This generally involves the preparation of landscape and visual assessments for resource consent, and the presentation of evidence at an Environment Court hearing.